
Call for projects – France 2030 | Frugal AI demonstrators serving the ecological transition in territories

12 September 2023

🗓️ Deadline : 07/09/2023 🎯 Target audience : Local authorities, public establishments, research organizations, emerging players (under 12 years old) whose activity strictly meets a need falling within a local authority’s remit. Expected projects (single-partner or consortium) are technology demonstrators based primarily on data science and artificial intelligence, responding to local issues. The aim of […]
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Call for Projects – Cloud and Artificial Intellgience

31 July 2023

🗓️ Application Deadline : 26/09/2023 🎯 Target audience : entreprises, organismes publics de recherche… The European Commission has opened a call for proposals under the Digital Europe program to fund transnational collaborative projects. 6 topics are eligible: Highly secure collaborative platform for aeronautics and security industry Funding: subsidy of up to 50% of eligible project costs Coordination […]
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Call for projects: Artificial intelligence for mobility, logistics and energy

25 July 2023

🗓️ Application deadline: 05/09/2023 🎯 Target audience: SMEs specializing in AI or in manufacturing production, mobility, logistics and energy. The Eurocluster AIBC (Artificial intelligence & BlockChain for a greener and more digital economy) is launching a call for proposals to support the development of piloting and/or demonstration projects for new or improved digital and ecological […]
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Service Market: Artificial intelligence and public health

24 July 2023

🗓️ Application deadline: 01/09/2023 🎯 Target audience: companies, public research organizations, associations. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control is launching a call for tenders on the subject of “Artificial intelligence at the service of surveillance and other essential public health functions“. This contract aims to implement artificial intelligence in processes and tasks linked […]
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Call for projects: Technological maturation and demonstration of trust systems integrating artificial intelligence bricks

21 July 2023

🗓️ Deadline: 07/09/2023 🎯 Target audience: SMEs, ETIs and large groups (collaborative project with at least one SME) This call for projects, opened by BPIFRANCE, aims to support hardware, software and systems innovations supporting the maturation and demonstration of critical functional systems integrating one or more trusted artificial intelligences. Projects should be geared towards demonstrating […]
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Call for projects: Technological maturation and demonstration of embedded artificial intelligence solutions

10 May 2023

🗓️ Deadline : 07/06/2023 🎯 Target audience: SMEs, ETIs, Large Groups Objective : This call for projects, opened by BPI FRANCE, aims to support hardware and software innovations related to embedded Artificial Intelligence applications from their design to the demonstration of their effectiveness in real-life situations. It is composed of two distinct components: the deployment […]
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In case you are interested in Dihnamic, you want to join it or you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us!

Want to contact the project coordinator? Contact :

Véronique DESBLEDS & Maria EL JAOUDI (ADI Nouvelle-Aquitaine)

Tel. +33 (0)6 71 19 79 27
Are you a company ? Contact :

Marianne CHAMI (CEA)

Tel. +33 (0)6 47 94 60 77
Are you a journalist ? Contact :

Claire BOUCHAREISSAS (ADI Nouvelle-Aquitaine)

Tel. +33 (0)6 82 36 76 36